
Реализованные проекты:
  • Узбекистан — на пути к  гендерному равенству в свете Пекинской  Платформы действий, Конвенции по ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин (CEDAW)  и Целей развития тысячелетия (MDGs). Проект поддержан  офисом Координатора проектов ОБСЕ в Узбекистане, Азиатским банком Развития и  Всемирным банком, 2005 -2007;
  • Совершенствование Национального механизма по Гендеру и Развитию в Узбекистане, проект поддержан Азиатским Банком развития, АБР. Меморандум  между  миссией АБР в Узбекистане и Центром поддержки гражданских инициатив  был подписан  в сентябре 2005г.
  • В 2009 году сотрудники ЦПГИ участвовали в конкурсе социальных проектов объявленных НА ННО Узбекистана и Офисом Координатора проектов ОБСЕ в Узбекистане и стали номинантами конкурса. Был поддержан проект ЦПГИ «Содействие  повышению правовой культуры уязвимых женщин Кибрайского района Ташкентской области»;
  • «Укрепление культуры прав женщин в Узбекистане», Интегрированный проект по снижению социальной маргинальности и расширению возможностей уязвимых женщин в Ташкенте, Коканде, Навои. Проект финансируется Европейским Союзом в рамках Программы Построения Институционального Партнерства ТАСИС/IBPP, 2009 – 2011гг.;
  • Поддержка Женской справочной службы (ЖСС), Проект поддержан Фондом народонаселения ООН (UNFPA) март – декабрь 2011г.;
  • «Партнерство Женщин Востока – Запада против Бедности»,  проект поддержан Комиссией Европейского Союза, март 2011 года —  август 2013;
  • «Развитие Центров Деловой и Социальной Активности Женщин (ЦДСАЖ)» – Интегрированный проект по снижению уровня социальной маргинальности и повышения потенциала уязвимых женщин в Ташкенте, Фергане и Андижане. Проект финансировался  Европейским Союзом  в  рамках Программы Построения Институционального Партнерства (IBPP), декабрь 2011 – июль 2013;
  • «Усиление эффективности предотвращения торговли людьми посредством содействия расширению социально-экономических возможностей групп риска», совместный проект Федерации профсоюзов Узбекистана, Министерства труда и социальной защиты населения, Центра поддержки гражданских инициатив, проект поддержан Координатором проектов ОБСЕ в Узбекистане, 2012 – 2013;
  • Проект — подготовка и издание Статистического сборника «Женщины и Мужчины Узбекистана », 2010, в рамках проекта был подготовлен и издан в 2012 году Статистический  сборник «Женщины и Мужчины Узбекистана »2010. Проект поддержан АБР, 2010-2012
  • «Разработка предложений по внедрению временных специальных мер (ВСМ) в Узбекистане» август 2014-январь 2015г. Проект поддержан ООН Женщины;
  • «Единое окно социальных услуг для семьи», 2014 – 2016 гг. Проект поддержан Общественным фондом по поддержке ННО и других институтов гражданского общества при Олий Мажлис Республики Узбекистан, 2013 -2014.

Information on

Civic Initiatives Support Center – CISC – NGO — Organization in Special consultative   Status with the Economic and Social Council – ECOSOC since 2016


Contact person: Ms. Kabulova N. Dilovar

Title/function: Director of the Civic Initiatives Support Center, CISC

Mobile: + 998 97 137-12-12; +998 90 371 96 71

E-mail : cisc.2004@yandex.ru, dilovarkabulova@gmail.com


Civic Initiatives Support Center (CISC) is a non-profit organization (an NGO), registered in the form of public association on August 25, 2004 in the Ministry of Justice, certificate of registration number № 589. State re-registration in the Ministry of Justice, in accordance with established procedure, the organization was held on December 30, 2014, the re-registration certificate number is 589 № P.

CISC has five CISC’s regional offices:  Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Ferghana, Tashkent regions and Tashkent city.

Civic initiatives support center (CISC), Organization in Special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council – ECOSOC since April 2016.


Ms. Kabulova N. Dilovar — Director CISC,   and expert of the Committee on Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations and Other Civil Society Institutions under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a member of the Central Asian Consultative Group of Civil Society Organizations of UN Women in Central Asia, Member of the Interdepartmental working group on the state of respect for human rights and freedoms by law enforcement and other state bodies under the Minister of Justice Republic of Uzbekistan, Member of the Advisory Council for  the development of civil society under the President of the Republic of  Uzbekistan since 2018. Since 2020, the initiator of establishing the Union of NGOs on gender issues under the Commission on ensuring gender equality of the Senate.

The Union is not a legal public association; it is based on voluntary membership. Since the beginning of 2020, there have been only 25 NGOs, the number of which has rapidly grown to over 60 organizations working on women and girls’ issues.


CISC is working on the following priority areas:


·           Promotion of the equal rights and equal opportunities, increase of the Civil society’s gender sensitivity;

·                                                                       Preventing violence against women and girls;

·         Prevention trafficking in human beings and early forced marriages;

·         Protection and support of the vulnerable migrants (including women and children) and victims of trafficking;

  • Issues of the mother and child welfare, protection of the reproductive rights and reproductive health, the strengthening of the family institution;
  • Issues of the implementation, reporting and monitoring of the UN Convention «On the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women» — CEDAW in Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Providing of social partnership and the consolidation of state and public organizations of the republic in matters of equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Assistance to citizens in studying the current legislation in various spheres;
  • Organization of seminars, meetings on development, spirituality and educational activities;
  • Providing psychological assistance and support to citizens, especially young people, women and disabled people, in conditions of transition to market relations;
  • Comprehensive support and development of the initiative of women and disabled people and persons in need of social protection;
  • The implementation of activities on development programs for citizens of legal literacy and initiative;
  • Conducting training, workshops and different educational programs to develop leadership and gender equality;
  • Development of partnerships with organizations, public associations and government institutions that have similar goals with the Center;
  • Economic empowerment of women;
  • To assist in the work at the national level to prepare for the mobilization of national partners at the local and regional levels to engage in dialogue and promote reconciliation, mediation, tolerance and compliance with women’s rights obligations under UN security Council Resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and others.


The main activity of CISC:


   Organizing and conducting trainings, seminars, “round tables”, consultations on the priorities of the organization, the preparation of national experts on the implementation, reporting and monitoring of the CEDAW, the preparation of national experts on gender issues, gender analysis of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


   The preparation and publication of statistical gender-disaggregated collections of «Women and Men of Uzbekistan» which was published in 2005, 2007, 2010 years;


   In collaboration with national and international partners, gender expertise of the current legislation, developed and published Gender expertise of the Labor and Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


   Participation from 2009 to 2014 in three projects, funded by the European Union Commission, in the framework of TACIC / IBPP program, capacity building NGO in the provision of high-quality professional services to legal and psychological assistance to vulnerable groups of women and economic empowerment;


   Participation in the implementation of the Country Programmed Action Plans for the cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, UNDEF program in Uzbekistan;


   Implementation of «Project on development and implementation of temporary special measures (TSM) in Uzbekistan», the implementation of Article 4 of CEDAW into national legislation of Uzbekistan with the support of a multi-country office of «UN Women» in Central Asia (Kazakhstan) and in conjunction with national and international partners, 2014- 2016;


   Participation in international, regional and global meetings to promote gender equality in all spheres of public and political life (participation in regional and global meetings dedicated to Beijing + 5, +10, +20, +25, UN Commission on the Status of Women, 2013, 2017, 2018, UN Department of Social and Economic Development, 2017, 2018).


National partners CISC: CISC is actively cooperating


on the national level with the National Commission on on ensuring gender equality of the Senate,  Parliament’ Committee of GE and women’ issues, the Ministry for support family and mahalla, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Scientific practical research Сenter “Oila” under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  and other ministries, departments and khokimiyats;


with public organizations such as Business women Association of Uzbekistan, Initiative’s Development and Supporting Center “NIHOL , the Network of organizations working on human trafficking  and victims of violence «Istiqbolli avlod», NGO «Oydin Nur» (working with victims of domestic violence), “Imkoniyat”, Navoi region, (NGO on work with youth leaders) and others on the strengthening of the cultural rights of women, preventing violence against women and girls,  and women’s economic empowerment.


International partners CISC: CISC is actively cooperating with international partners, including: ACTED, UNFPA,  UNDP, Resource center for women «MARTA», Riga, Latvia, OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, the mission of the Asian Development Bank in the country, the World Bank Mission in Uzbekistan, «UN Women», European Commission, Italian branch of the European women’s Lobby (EWL), Rome, Italy, FORMAPER — Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Italy, «Angara» Union of women, Irkutsk, «Звезда Надежды», Kaliningrad, Russia, «Feminists League «, Almaty, Kazakhstan, CANGO- China Association for NGO  and others.



Information on the CISC’ projects- 2018-2021г.г.






18.12.2018 30.09.2019


Conducting an information campaign for target groups of the population in Uzbekistan within the framework of the USAID Anti-Trafficking in Persons Project




 15.11.2019 31.12.2019

Promoting gender equality through the creation of a network of gender focal points in Uzbekistan

(Phase 1)



OSCE and Center “Oila”

25.11.2019  31.12.2019

Implementation of the joint project of Сenter“ Oila ”, the Supreme Court, supported by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan“ Prevention of Offenses in the Family ”, para 43.6 of the“ Roadmap ”Practical Action Plan for the Implementation of OSCE Projects in Uzbekistan for 2019-2020.






«Strengthening social partnership in Uzbekistan and improving access to legal services for vulnerable groups in Andijan and Khorezm regions»

(Stage 1)




 15.04.2020  30.09.2020

 “Combating Trafficking in Human Beings” implemented by the International Organization for Migration (CT.0914) Component Online information campaign (raising awareness) on human trafficking in the Odnoklassniki social network





01.05.2020  31.12.2020

«Prevention of crime in the family» — «Trust Phone»:




 01.06.2020 31.12.2021

Strengthening Civil Society to Advance Women’s Rights through Advocacy, Protection and Empowerment in Uzbekistan


Center “Marta” (Latvia), MFA Latvia



“Pandemic of violence during the global Covid-19 crisis. Risks, Prevention, Solutions ”


US Embassy 01.11.2020


« Protecting the rights and promoting the interests of vulnerable women in Uzbekistan affected by COVID-19 and gender-based violence through the work of legal and psychological hotlines and online consultations on social networks.»



 16.04.2021г.  15.04.2022г.

«Strengthening social partnership in Uzbekistan and improving access to legal services for vulnerable groups in Andijan and Khorezm regions»

(Stage 2)




 25.08.2021г. 28.02.2022г.

« Provision of services for the creation and strengthening of the capacity of women’s advisory groups (WGC) at the Public Service Centers (CSU) with the aim of improving access to public services for women, as well as vulnerable segments of the population

(youth, seniors, people with disabilities)






Conducting Economic Empowerment of Women At Risk and Victims of

Gender-Based Violence

in Surkhandarya region through tailored crafts programs



US Embassy






Women’s Inclusion for New Security — WINS

Partners: Search for common ground


European Commission

Individual measure to protect human rights and democracy for Uzbekistan



Empowering vulnerable communities through effective and sustainable civil society

Partner: Minority Rights Group Europe (MRGE)






«Strengthening Social Partnership in Uzbekistan and Improving

Access to Legal Services for Vulnerable Group in Andijan and Khorezm Regions



US Embassy



“Protection of women from gender-based offenses that precede the identification of signs of rehabilitation (crisis) centers”



